Ukie Game Showcase

Ukie’s ‘Navigating the Now’ event will help you through the ongoing pandemic

Ukie is holding a digital event in early June to help UK games companies to “prepare for the new normal” with a series of talks on how businesses can adapt for the future.

Running on June the 3rd and 4th, the event will also include a game showcase, in order to provide developers with an opportunity to show their titles to publishers, investors and press, at a time when traditional events aren’t serving these needs.

You can register for the event for free here.

If you’re a publisher, investor or part of the press then please contact for more information.

Day One (03rd June)

Navigating the Now: Preparing for the New Normal – 10:00am – 1:00pm
The first day of the event will consist of a series of informative talks aimed at helping businesses navigate these uncertain times and adapt to the current situation for future success. The actual content also provides access to understanding new skills and techniques.

Ukie Game Showcase – 2:00pm – 4:00pm
The second part of the first day, will be the start of the Ukie Game Showcase, giving studios the opportunity to showcase their work to publishers, investors or press.

Day Two (04th June)

Continuation of Ukie Game Showcase – 10:00am – 12:00pm
The second and final day of the event is a continuation of the Ukie Game Showcase. Ukie is looking to give as much exposure as possible to these developers. Day two developers showcasing are particularly interested in speaking with press.

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