Overwhelming majority of British games firms previously backed remaining in the EU

Ukie reassures devs and games firms in wake of Brexit ‘uncertainty’

Ukie has issued a statement regarding the impact on the UK games industry following the news that Britain will leave the EU.

CEO Dr Jo Twist said that “Ukie is committed to ensuring the UK is the best place in the world to make and sell games, and although this decision and the political uncertainty it brings will have an impact on our businesses it is important to remember that we are already a globally successful sector and a leading exporter in the digital economy”.

The trade body previously held a vote among its members, which revealed that UK games firm overwhelmingly supported remaining a member of the EU.

80 per cent of developers, publishers and companies backed the ‘remain’ campaign, with just three per cent opting for a ‘Brexit’.

This contrasted with the final result, which saw a narrow majority of 52 per cent of the UK population vote in favour of leaving the Union.

"Ukie will continue to work hard with colleagues in government to ensure we continue to have the best possible business environment and we will be following developments closely as well as advising members as they unfold,” Twist added.

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