Just three per cent aligned with a ‘Brexit’, while the rest were undecided

80% of UK games firms want to remain in the EU

A survey of British developers, publishers and other games companies has revealed that the UK industry overwhelmingly supports staying in the EU.

The research conducted by trade body UKIE found that 80.6 per cent of respondents felt that the benefits to their business justified remaining part of the European Union.

Just 3.2 per cent instead backed a so-called ‘Brexit’, with the remaining 16.2 per cent undecided.

Given the results, it’s perhaps unsurprising that respondents ‘strongly’ agreed that an exit from the EU would cause “uncertainty” and that the benefits of such a move are “not well understood”.

Other findings included general agreement that EU policies regarding investment, trade and talent are those that hold the most sway for UK games firms, and that the ability to hire skilled workers, participate in trade and access grants and other funding support would be impacted by leaving the EU.

“Either way, the result of the EU Referendum will have implications for the games industry,” commented UKIE CEO Dr Jo Twist.

“In common with many in the tech and creative sectors, games companies appear to favour remaining in the EU, but there are many issues which businesses need to think about.”

The study was responded to by 21 per cent of UKIE’s membership, equal to 62 firms of varying sizes. The organisation itself previously voted to remain impartial on the hotly-debated subject ahead of the June 23rd referendum.

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