Showcase will also offer sessions on doing business in international markets and how to access games tax relief

UKIE bringing game industry expo to Liverpool business festival

UKIE has teamed up with UK Trade and Investment to showcase the country’s game development talent at the inaugural Liverpool Festival for Business in July.

The game industry expo part of the event will include UKTI-run sessions on doing business in international markets, and a UKIE-led workshop on how to take advantage of games tax relief.

The games showcase will take place on July 15th and 16th at the IFB Hub on Albert Deck in Liverpool.

“The International Festival for Business is a fantastic opportunity for us as a sector to demonstrate the creativity, innovation and talent our industry has to a global audience,” said UKIE CEO Jo Twist.

“The showcase will help attract investment nationally and internationally and highlight our message that Britain is open for business. The UK has the right business environment and key skills to create globally successful exports and with our long fought for tax relief system finally in place, it has never been a better time to make and sell interactive entertainment in the UK.”

For more information on the Liverpool Festival for Business, visit the official website.

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