Simon Maxwell becomes Gamer Network COO

There’s been a reshuffle at Eurogamer parent Gamer Network.

Former group publishing director Simon Maxwell has become chief operating officer having been at the company for less than a year.

David Lilley has become MD of Gamer Events while John Benyamine is now VP of US content, taking on responsibility for editorial across Games Industry, US Gamer, Modojo and the Content Services division.

In addition, Oliver Menne is the new head of content and revenue optimisation.

Simon has made an enormous difference to our business since he joined a year ago,” founder and CEO Rupert Loman stated. Traffic is up, revenues continue to grow, we have new partnerships in place and our already strong relationships in the market have been strengthened further. We welcome him to the board to help shape the future vision of the company.”

Maxwell added: The roles John and Oliver are performing are incredibly important as we look to build on our record 69 per cent year-on-year audience growth (currently standing at 13m monthly unique users) and build our revenues across all markets.

It’s an exciting time for the company and these changes mean we are in a better shape than ever to build upon the strong brands and reach we have in each territory as we enter the next generation of games consoles.”

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