GMA Hall of Fame: Martin Robinson

MCV talks to the previous winners of a Games Media Award. This week, it’s Eurogamer’s Martin Robinson.

How did it feel to win a Games Media Award last year?

Surprising, to be honest. I wasn’t expecting it, so was more than a little humbled by the whole thing.

What do the GMAs mean to the games press community?

It’s a rare and welcome opportunity to celebrate the fine work that we produce. It’s also typically the most drunk a lot of us get, which is saying a lot for one of the more booze-soaked industries around.

Other than winning a GMA, what has been your biggest achievement to date?

That’ll have to be one of the high-scores I’ve got on various OutRun 2 arcade cabinets. I’m still riding high on the machines in Brighton Marina’s bowling alley and Gatwick Airport – though I struggled to break the top 5 in Southport recently. Guess I’m losing some skills with age.

Which of your competitors do your admire and why?

It’s a brilliant time to be in games media – there are so many talented people working at the moment that it can be a little daunting going up against them. It’s hard to name names without missing anyone out, but Tim Ingham’s work with CVG continues to impress, and IGN’s Keza Macdonald is the most brilliantly lucid games writer there is.

Who’s your favourite non-games writer?

Oh my, there are so many. In regards to journalists, Nigel Roebuck, formerly of Autosport and now of Motorsport, was as a hero when I was growing up, his columns giving a personal spin on the often impersonal-seeming world of F1, and I admire Richard Williams’ skill in imparting sporting events with a sense of history and prestige. In terms of fiction writers, I’m a little bit in love with Patrick Hamilton right now.

What’s the best press trip you’ve been on?

Does Gamescom count? Last year, when I slept about four hours over the week and flashed the games industry after locking myself out of my hotel room, would certainly win if it does.

What’s the best advice youve been given?

If you’re not excited and enthusiastic about what you’re doing, step away.

And what advice would you give to someone hoping to become a gamesjournalist?

Don’t take yourself too seriously, write lots and be friendly.

If you werent a games journalist, what would you be?


Who would be your Games Media Legend?

I’m a little biased, but I’d say my former boss Alex Simmons – one of the nicest people in the industry, and it was a privilege to work with him at IGN.


The Games Media Awards, in association with Grainger Games, will be held on Wednesday October 26th at the super chic Vinopolis venue near Borough Market. Greg Davies, top stand-up and star of The Inbetweeners, will be the host for the evening.

Grainger Games has signed up as headline sponsor of the event, with other sponsors already signed up including Sony, EA, Codemasters, Ubisoft, Microsoft, Nintendo, Konami, NC Soft, Konami, Rising Star, Namco Bandai and Gamescom. A limited number of additional packages are available. can tell you more.

Up to 350 guests will attend this year’s Games Media Awards, including nearly 200 media. A limited number of trade tickets will be available at 99 per person. Contact to find out more.

You can follow the GMA Twitter feed at @GamesMediaAward.

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