ESL announces Christmas charity derby

ESL UK has joined forces with four computer retailers for a charity Christmas esports event.

The Charity Christmas Derby will see staff from Ebuyer, SCAN, Overclockers UK and PC Specialist compete to earn points across five games including FIFA, Rocket League, and Halo 5.

The winner will rightly claim ultimate UK retail bragging rights, and will almost certainly be forced to wear a silly hat.

The competition takes place on December 10th at midday and will be streamed live on Twitch and Facebook. All of the money raised will go to the incredible UK gaming charity Special Effect. The livestream will also celebrate the organisation’s fantastic work.

The aim to raise £10,000, and each retailer and sponsor has already contributed £500. Anyone who is able to help this most worthy of causes can do so at the Battle of the Brands JustGiving page. They’re actually already well on the way to £10k, so let’s see how far we can push beyond that!

“SpecialEffect is close to the hearts of many of us in the games industry,” said James Dean, managing director at ESL UK. “I’d like to thank our partners at Ebuyer, PC Specialist, SCAN and Overclockers UK for being such good sports and joining us to raise money for this very worthy cause.”

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