Rivalling the online super-powers

In less than three months we have grown tgrav.com into a retail business that is attracting interest from major publishers and manufacturers. We are developing new routes to market quicker than our major competitors and this is ensuring we stand firmly on the map ready for the Christmas explosion.

The path to success is not trouble-free and in no way are we classing ourselves as a major player – not yet anyway. The learning curve from previous roles has been steep but exciting.

Having to be involved in every aspect of a new business brings new challenges.

We have made mistakes, mistakes that have cost us. However I am sure that anyone in business knows that these mistakes are the ones you never make again, such as selecting courier companies that fail to deliver or banks that want your blood, as well as charging the earth.

The most rewarding part is when customers call to re-order or when we see a thread on a forum with a positive write-up about us. Or the call from a major brand or publisher, suggesting I meet them to discuss how they want to grow with us.

Our primary focus is on customer service and we are definitely delivering this. We have a fast, accurate warehouse system with a powerful working relationship with our courier. Our product range is vital, selecting the very best peripherals for both PC and console gaming, linking them with the right products to show our customers that we take time in selecting our partners and ensuring our game catalogue is 100 per cent up-to-date with competitive pricing.

One area that myself and our technical director, Gavin Eardley, have regular conversations about is the security of our site to ensure our customers are totally protected. We work closely with Visa, MasterCard and our bank. We have been identified as a business that will constantly work with them to eradicate online fraud.

Our attention is now firmly fixed on some exciting campaigns in the run up to Christmas and developing tgrav.com into the consumers’ choice for gaming, especially PC gaming. Support from our suppliers is great and they obviously share our vision.

About MCV Staff

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