GAME announces stores in England to reopen from 15th of June

GAME today announced to its customers that it will be reopening its retail stores in England starting on the 15th of June. Welsh stores will reopen on the 18th of June, while its Scottish outlets do not yet have a date for reopening.

Even once open, things will be far from business as usual, with customers having to follow strict guidelines when visiting stores. Most notably that customers will “unable to browse our stores” a statement said, and instead “our knowledgeable staff will be able to advise you on any of your requirements.”

In short it’s a midway point between click and collect services and a full reopening. Customers will be able to come in ad-hoc and talk to staff about what they want, but won’t be able to wander stores and choose items themselves. The company will also run typical click and collect services for customers who want to use it.

The number of customers allowed in the store will be limited, based on available space, and markers will be added to maintain the 2m social distancing rule. GAME are adding perspex screens to tills to minimise contact and staff will be supplied with face masks, gloves and sanitiser. The company strongly suggests that customers use contactless payment, up to £45.

Trade-in and Pre-owned services will be available, with items being wiped cleans with alcohol dn put in quarantine for three days before being resold.

BELONG arenas will remain closed for the time being.

The changes are in line with government guidance and hopefully mark the beginning of the end for what has been a very frustrating and difficult time for the bricks and mortar part of the company, with stores closed just as sales boomed due to the pandemic.

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