GAME CEO: Nintendo Switch in ‘constant supply’ but we’re yet to hit Christmas peak

Read our full interview with GAME CEO Martyn Gibbs.

Speaking to MCV today, following on from GAME’s full-year results, CEO Martyn Gibbs commented on the stock situation of Switch this Christmas, something that will have a direct impact on the bottom-line not only for many big publishers but also for the many indies that have flocked to the console’s eShop digital store.

The console was undoubtedly limited in supply earlier in the year, but that has now ended with Gibbs commenting: "We’ve got enough Switch coming in on a week-by-week basis, Nintendo needs to take some real credit operationally for how they’ve managed to work this through."

Although he wouldn’t share actual numbers, he continued: "We’ve now got a constant supply of stock coming into the business on a weekly basis, Don’t get me wrong I don’t have [Distribution Centre] stuffed full of 100,000 units, but we do have a good, regular supply from Nintendo."

That still begged the question of whether it will still be on shelves in a few weeks time, to which Gibbs replied "The only reason that we wouldn’t see [stock] is if demand picks up any further but I wouldn’t see that as a bad thing."

And will demand pick up? We wonder whether with Mario Odyssey’s release we might have seen peak Switch demand already, but Gibbs doesn’t agree.

"I’m not sure on that, it’s probably going to be the number one tech-toy for peak, so I think across those two spectrums and across such a wide-ranging base of gamers who all want to play Nintendo Switch I think we’re clear it’s got great demand, the absolute peak of that demand I don’t think we’re anywhere near yet."

So some good news for those putting their eggs in Nintendo’s basket, in that stock is now much improved and constant. However the massive popularity of the console may well still out do even those shipments. Either way, GAME expects to move a lot of units over the next few weeks and that’s great news for everyone.

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