Levelling Up: Becky Mullen, account director at Bastion – “PR can be hard work, so it’s important that candidates know what they’re getting in for and are up for the challenge.”

Becky Mullen, account director at Bastion, talks about her route into the games industry, what makes a good PR and the skills required to grow in your career

What is your job role and how would you describe your typical day at work?

I’m an account director at Bastion, the video game communications agency. Being an account director means I’m the lead PR on several clients and part of the agency’s senior leadership team. My clients are a mix of video game publishers, developers, platform providers, and non-games brands who are looking to break into the industry.

A typical day at work involves a lot of talking – talking to clients, prospective clients, media, partners, and advising on communications strategy. So, a lot of talking and thinking!

I’m also always talking to the Bastion team. They are a really talented bunch, so I am basically there to help them be successful and do their best work.

What qualifications and/or experience do you need to land this job?

You don’t need any qualifications to be good at PR. You very much learn on the job. For entry level, it’s more important to have a few key skills like organisation, presentation, and curiosity. Soft people skills are also very important, for clients, media, and working with your team! 

I got my first PR job at a different agency, Weber Shandwick, where I worked on B2B technology clients. Basically, I wanted to be in video games, but no roles were available – so I went for the next best thing. That gave me the essential PR skills I needed to move to Bastion as an Account Manager in 2017, and I haven’t looked back since!

If you were interviewing someone for your team, what would you look for?

Enthusiasm is essential. PR can be hard work, so it’s important that candidates know what they’re getting in for and are up for the challenge.

You also need to be interested in the media, how it works, and thinking about what kind of stories get coverage. These critical thinking skills help you progress up the PR ladder. Being a good PR is really about building that knowledge and consulting on what will/won’t work, not just blasting stuff out.

Other than that, we look for people who are smart and keen to learn. Good writing and other content skills are bonuses! Obviously, an interest in games is important too.

What opportunities are there for career progression?

As a rule, PR agencies are really good environments for career progression. People who are ambitious and get stuck into new challenges can progress very quickly.

Bastion has been growing for a while, so we take on new clients and projects regularly. This means there’s lots of opportunities for people to take on more senior responsibilities if they want to. 

Most of the Bastion team follow the standard path between account executive, account manager, and account director. But we also have specialists who are experts in influencer campaigns and marketing. There’s room to grow with us, depending on your skills and your drive.

About Chris Wallace

Chris is a freelancer writer and was MCV/DEVELOP's staff writer from November 2019 until May 2022. He joined the team after graduating from Cardiff University with a Master's degree in Magazine Journalism. He can be found on Twitter at @wallacec42, where he mostly explores his obsession with the Life is Strange series, for which he refuses to apologise.

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