MCV/DEVELOP Awards 2020 – Every photo from the big night!

Apologies for the wait, but we now have all the photos from the MCV/DEVELOP Awards last week. The awards were a huge success (if we do say so ourselves) with a packed Brewery playing host to 18 award categories and two very special awards. 

George Osborn from Ukie wins a prize from PTW and SIDE

The night kicked off with a drinks reception, sponsored by Amiqus. There was a quick intro by yours truly before dinner, thanks for listening, followed by a prize giveaway by sponsor PTW and SIDE. Then our charity partner GamesAid, represented by chair Des Gayle also took to the stage before organising a night-long raffle.

Des Gayle from GamesAid on stage

Dinner ran a little long, apologies for that, we simply had too many unexpected vegetarians in attendance, which slowed things down – it’s great that as an industry we’re eating less meat than ever, and we’ll re-adjust the baseline balance for next year – but please, please, please make sure that you get your guest’s dietary requirements over to us in advance. 

Thanks to everyone who came, it was a great night with a great atmosphere

And then it was over to our excellent host Imran Yusuf to entertain the crowd before he presented the awards themselves, which this year was headline-sponsored by in-game advertising provider Bidstack.

Host Imran Yusuf (left) and winners from Media Molecule

For all the winners on the night, which were voted for by MCV/DEVELOP readers, head over to our full winners list. Particular congratulations to our MCV/DEVELOP Legend winners Rare, and to Nintendo and Media Molecule, who both scooped two awards on the night.

Team members of Rare accept the MCV/DEVELOP Legend Award

We’d like to take this final opportunity to thank all our sponsors and event partners: Bidstack, Amiqus, PTW, Frontier Developments, OPM, Fourth Floor Creative, Honest PR, Bespoke Arcades & Little Big PR – plus our charity partner GamesAid. The awards simply wouldn’t happen without the continued support of the industry – thank you all for getting involved.

And here are all of the pictures, please share sensibly and be lovely to one another.

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