Code Wizards announce AWS for Games support – Antstream first to benefit

Code Wizards, the UK-based tech and engineering company that provide backend services and support for games and esports, has just announced support for Amazon Web Services’ AWS for Games initiative, “to enable gamers to harness the power of the cloud” and for customers to “maximise the benefits and efficacy for their players.”

One customer that’s taken advantage of the recent upgrade is the retrogame streaming platform Antstream Arcade. According to a press release, Code Wizards helped Antstream to “deliver and expand their LiveOps platform and achieve global scaling for their game streaming service using AWS. This allowed Antstream to build faster, run more innovatively and grow their player base through scalability and reliability.”

It would appear that Code Wizards and Antstream are pleased with how their collaboration has have turned out, with Antstream CEO Steve Cottam saying: “Working with Code Wizards and AWS has allowed us to concentrate on our platform while scaling fast and delivering an amazing player experience.”

Explaining the need to deliver via AWS, Code Wizards CEO Stuart Muckley added: “We began our journey with AWS Game Tech Services because they provide world-leading technology and services for games. Over time the relationship has grown greatly as they share our mantra of customer dedication. Whether we are working with a AAA studio or a start-up indie our close relationship allows us to help them bring their vision to life.” 

About Richie Shoemaker

Prior to taking the editorial helm of MCV/DEVELOP Richie spent 20 years shovelling word-coal into the engines of numerous gaming magazines and websites, many of which are now lost beneath the churning waves of progress. If not already obvious, he is partial to the odd nautical metaphor.

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