Devised then the team was composing the soundtrack to SCEE Cambridge’s PS2 title Primal, Reloop seeks to eradicate errors in looped audio samples. The plug-in modifies samples and allows them to conform to byte boundaries, the length into which a looped sample must fit in order to work correctly.
"We spend the major part of our lives working on game audio, and having to waste hours on this mindless activity – especially when the pressure is on and time is short – just seemed crazy," explained Andrew Barnabus (pictured). "Ultimately we have ended up avoiding the use of hundreds of looping samples to avoid the issue."
The tool was devised in collaboration with Cambrdige University’s Dylan Menzies, who spent six months perfecting the algorithms for the tool.
Explains Menzies: "Reloop incorporates an advanced signal processing design that modifies the whole loop rather than using the conventional approach that can generate noticeable artefacts. The result is a plugin that will operate seamlessly within the Soundforge batch processing framework."
A free demo of the plugin can be downloaded immediately from with full licenses available.