Recruitment specialist Amiqus introduces new initiative to enable studios to keep hiring during lockdown

Recruitment specialist Amiqus has introduced a new business support initiative to help studios grow teams in the midst of the pandemic lockdown.

Amiqus traditionally refunds a percentage of the fee if the new employee leaves the position within the first three months. The company will now honour this arrangement for staff hired offsite, too, as well as an “additional guarantee of 50 per cent return of its fee for six weeks from when a new hire then physically joins the team on-site after the lockdown ends”.

Liz Prince, Amiqus

“We know there is still huge demand from studios for new staff, and we are continuing to make placements, despite Covid-19 and the lockdown. However, we also understand that there are concerns about the recruitment and on-boarding processes when everything is being carried out remotely,” said Amiqus’ business manager, Liz Prince. 

“We want to give our clients more confidence and support during this time, and we hope that our new, extended rebate initiative will help to allay any fears about hiring staff remotely and then taking them on-site at a later stage.

“We’re proud to be at the heart of the games industry and believe that we have a responsibility to help companies of all sizes to continue their growth plans,” she added. “To that end, over the next few weeks we will be providing a series of insights, best practice, and support on many elements of hiring, online interviewing, on-boarding remotely and more.

“As an industry, we’ll come through this pandemic stronger and more agile than ever before. In the meantime, we are all in this together, and we are looking at every opportunity we can to support the industry we have served for 20 years. If there’s anything you think would help you in these challenging times please let us know at We’d love to hear from you.”

UK industry trade bodies Ukie and TIGA have also produced guidance to support employers and their staff during the pandemic.

About Vikki Blake

It took 15 years of civil service monotony for Vikki to crack and switch to writing about games. She has since become an experienced reporter and critic working with a number of specialist and mainstream outlets in both the UK and beyond, including Eurogamer, GamesRadar+, IGN, MTV, and Variety.

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