Unsigned – Blending racing with minigolf in Golf Gang

This article is a part of MCV/DEVELOP’s Unsigned, bringing a spotlight to unsigned indie games in partnership with Unity.

Golf Gang
blends racing with minigolf. Balance speed with accuracy to dominate the green in eight player online mayhem!


Developer: Lazy Monday Games

Mitchell Baxter

Location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Team size: 2 people, full-time

Progress: Private Beta

Contact details: mitchell@lazymondaygames.com

Tell us about your game and why you decided to develop it?

Golf Gang is named for a group of our friends at university who shunned revision in favour of party games and group calls. We found a pattern in the games we were endlessly looking for – action and competition, but enough simplicity to allow first-time players to join in meaningfully. In short, Golf Gang is an excuse to get everyone on a call and talk some trash.

Who do you think the audience is?

Anybody can pick up Golf Gang and start putting, but it’s deceptively difficult to master. Primarily a party title, it’s perfect for casual groups seeking laughter-filled experiences akin to Mario Kart and Ultimate Chicken Horse.

Golf Gang also enjoys a competitive streak thanks to the racing mechanics and high skill ceiling – the time trials leaderboard is hard fought for in our private beta.

What experience does the team have?

Lazy Monday Games is a Scottish studio founded in 2015 by brothers Andrew & Mitchell Baxter as a vehicle to distribute Reveal the Deep – a game we built together during a summer holiday. It was released to surprise success, and firmly cemented our career paths in the games industry.

We went on to pursue degrees in Illustration and Computer Science, building and releasing our second title Final Directive during our spare time. Now graduates, we’re gearing up to release our first ‘real’ game, after 18 months of full-time development.

Why did you decide to use Unity to create this game, can you tell us anything about using the engine on this project?

The ease of extending Unity’s editor functionality gives us a great degree of control and power for rapidly building out awesome golf courses – something crucial to a lightweight outfit such as ours. The asset store provides a useful way to implement boilerplate features to a great standard in a short time.

How long has the title been in development, how long will it likely take to complete?

Golf Gang has been in development for 18 months and is ready for early access, planned for Q3 2021. We’re aiming for a full release in Q2 2022.

What kind of support are you looking for from a potential partner?

Golf Gang is a great fit for the current influencer climate. We’d love to work with a partner who’s excited about building a playful marketing campaign and can help us reach the right set of content creators. Strategic investment could expedite our content production process and console ports, but isn’t a necessity.

About Chris Wallace

Chris is a freelancer writer and was MCV/DEVELOP's staff writer from November 2019 until May 2022. He joined the team after graduating from Cardiff University with a Master's degree in Magazine Journalism. He can be found on Twitter at @wallacec42, where he mostly explores his obsession with the Life is Strange series, for which he refuses to apologise.

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