Since the introduction of League of Legends 10 bans system, allowing 10 champions to be banned in both normal and ranked games, one champion has spiked to a 40% ban rate.
Yasuo is in a weird place in the meta right now, where he’s viewed as incredibly powerful and feared by many players. Now that there are 10 choices for bans in the game, many people are banning Yasuo as a safety ban, to try and ensure they won’t have to deal with him in the lanes. You could say he was unforgiven.
The banrate was revealed byLoLalytics, and spotted by the chaps at Dot Esports.
There’s a dark secret though, Yasuo isn’t actually that powerful, but is one of a handful of “pub stomper” heroes that does well against those in lower ELO brackets. Both Yasuo’s banrate and winrate fall off as you climb the ranks. Yasuo also has a reputation that was grandfathered in, as before patch 7.11, he was much more powerful.
You can find more analysis on Dot Esports, but it’s interesting to see how 10 bans has had a wide-reaching effect on the meta, at least for one particular hero.