MCV veteran Alex Boucher joins the team at Biz Media

MCV is off to a great start under its new owners at Biz Media with the hire of Alex Boucher as business development manager. Boucher is an MCV and Develop veteran, having managed the games portfolio at Intent Media from up until 2015.

"I’m really excited to be working for MCV & Develop again, and can’t wait to share what we have planned for 2019. It’s an exciting time for the games industry right now and MCV will definitely be there to inform and collaborate with its audience," said Boucher, who can be contacted at

The move to Biz Media places the brand back in a small and agile company setting, much like its roots in the Hertford office with Intent Media.

“We’re very pleased to have Alex back onboard,” added MCV editor Seth Barton, “his huge industry experience and contacts are already proving invaluable.” An updated media pack with full details of our 2019 plans will be distributed shortly.

Boucher remains managing director of his own Analog Ltd. He’s previously worked with TIGA, Pole To Win, Steel Media, OMuk, Takeoff, Robonetica and many others.

About Seth Barton

Seth Barton was the editor of MCV and MCV/DEVELOP from 2016 until 2021 and oversaw many changes to the magazine and the industry it reported on. Before that Seth toiled in games retail at Electronics Boutique, studied film at university, published console and PC games for the BBC, and spent many years working in tech journalism. Living in South East London, he divides his little free time between board games, video games, beer and family. You can find him tweeting @sethbarton1.

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