28 Days Later: Kuato Studios’ Ashley Riza

Taking a new opportunity in the industry can open a door to the job of your dreams. We catch up with a recent career mover at the start of their exciting new role through recruitment specialist Amiqus.

Ashley Riza

Kuato Studios

Job Title:
3D Artist

BSc Digital Arts, MSc 3D Computer Animation

Congratulations on the amazing new job! What inspired you about Kuato to join the company?

Kuato creates educational games for children, which is a huge interest of mine. I have been working on similar projects on and off the past five years. The art style of its games resonated with me and after meeting future colleagues at my interview, I knew it would be a great fit.

What’s the culture like at Kuato and what’s your experience been like fitting in?

It’s very inclusive here so it has been easy to enjoy the fun and social side of the studio as well as the work. It’s a friendly environment but at the same time a hard-working one. You can tell people here enjoy their jobs and are passionate about what we are creating.

What are you most excited about bringing to the role?

I’m excited to bring a female perspective as well as collaborative and artistic skills to make awesome-looking games!

What will working at Kuato do for your career?

Being freelance for so long I was usually the sole artist on the team. There are so many incredible artists here.

Being able to share knowledge and techniques with them is priceless and has already improved my art and workflow just a few weeks in.

Not to mention the amazing projects I am getting to be a part of and add to my portfolio.

What would you like to say to anyone thinking about or undertaking a job move in games?

You need to be resilient, passionate and persistent. The industry is challenging but so much fun to be a part of.

A lot of people are passionate about games so you need to have that determination and initiative and always be improving. It’s amazing to say you love your job, so I would recommend it to anyone who has a love for the industry. 

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