IGN’s founder, YouTubers and leading editors discuss the state of the games media in this week’s free MCV

This week, MCV is all about the gaming press.

We meet the man behind IGN, co-founder and GM Peer Schneider, who tells us about surviving 20 years in the video games’ most turbulent sector.

But we’re not forgetting the new generation, as YouTube stars talk scandals, legitimacy and the changing face of speaking to gamers.

We also talk to the editors behind OXM, Kotaku UK, Videogamer, GamesIndustry and IGN, to discuss the new age for the games press.

Elsewhere, Sega Europe president Jurgen Post is interviewed on the firm’s expanding line-up, while we check out the new indie game: The Sexy Brutale.

Finally, lead writer Joseph Staten also discusses the launch of ReCore, a brand new IP that combines the best of Mega Man and Metroid.

The full contents of this week’s issue are below. The digital edition can be read here.

• NEWS: UK consumers: In-app purchases damage game enjoyment
• MEDIA SPECIAL: Evolve or die: IGN turns 20
• MEDIA SPECIAL: We meet some of YouTube’s most popular stars as they face fresh scrutiny
• MEDIA SPECIAL: The editor’s roundtable, featuring OXM, Kotaku UK, Videogamer, GamesIndustry and IGN
• INTERVIEW: Jurgen Post talks about the return of Sega
• INDIE INTERVIEW: Former Fable makers Charles Griffiths and Paul Rubio talk about The Sexy Brutale
• THE BIG GAME: ReCore: When Mega Man met Metroid
• PLUS! Develop deputy joins Tabletop Gaming magazine, Overwatch tops the UK weekly charts (again), Gareth Mottershead talks about the opening of Games N Gear and more

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