Games Media Awards Past Winners: Colin Campbell, Games Media Legend 2011

As we head towards the 10th Games Media Awards on October 11th, MCV looks back on some of the key highlights.

Here we speak to industry veteran Colin Campbell, who picked up the award for Games Media Legend in 2011…

How did you first get into the games media?
I answered an ad in my local paper for a junior reporter on CTW, which was like MCV-in-the-’80s. As a kid, I wanted to be a journalist, and this looked like a good way in.

What advice would you give to someone looking to get into the games media space?
Create something personal and new.

What’s been the best advice you’ve received?
Pay attention to the style-guide, but feel free to break the rules.

What are you most proud of in your career to date?
I’ve shown a small measure of adaptability, when I absolutely had to. So far, this has kept me in work.

And what has been your biggest challenge?
Restraining my worst qualities.

Which of your competitors do you most admire and why?
Jessica Chobot at Nerdist. She delivers a great show and she knows her subject and her audience.

Who’s your favourite non-games writer/presenter?
Stan Collymore.

If you weren’t working in games media, what would you be doing?
Plan B is to write another novel.

What are your best memories of the Games Media Awards?
I was up that year when those drunken retailers were sponsors. Pure chaos. Great fun. Winning the award was a big deal for me at a tough time. It also helped me get a Green Card. People who say awards don’t matter are just plain wrong.

Who should win an award this year?
There’s a lot of great work being done in the United States. I’d love to see the GMAs become more international.

The Games Media Awards 2016 take place on Tuesday, October 11th at the Sway Bar, London. The nominations period is open now, but you have only until August 19th to nominate yourself, a colleague or peer. Find out more about how to enter by clicking here.

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