The UK’s interactive content marketplace is back with funding advice, private pitching, games showcase and more

Interface returns on November 12th

Develop and MCV’s B2B content marketplace Interface will return on November 12th.

The successful debut of the event in May saw 300 games professionals attend a unique mix of private pitch meetings, conference and public expo with plenty of networking opportunities.

The second Interface moves into a new, bigger venue: St Mary’s Church near Baker Street and Marylebone Tube/Train stations.

This bigger space accommodates more delegates, extra space for private meetings, a bigger conference, and an expanded expo/showcase area.

“The first Interface was a huge success, delivering a much-needed way for studios to pitching their games to publishers, and get tips on how to best progress their funding plans,” said Michael French, head of games at New Bay Media, publisher of Develop and MCV.

“At least four new games were signed up by publishers at the May event, and we’re bringing it back before the year is out to make sure more studios have the opportunity to get their game seen and out to market.”

Interface is structured to be as affordable as possible for games businesses of all sizes, with the basic indie expo pass free and indie tickets for the meeting system (which guarantees you a days’ schedule of private meetings with publishers looking to sign new games) £59 + VAT. Indie game expo spaces are just £199 + VAT and include involvement in the meeting system.

For publishers and larger studios, an expo pass is £20 + VAT, and the meeting system rate is £149 + VAT. Publishers looking to host meetings for the day pay £500 + VAT.

The Interface Meeting System is the core of the day, with private meetings between delegates and hosts. We take all the details of attendees and hosts and matchmake you based on your requirements and needs.

And that’s all supported by the conference and public expo, so there’s always something to see or do throughout the day.

You can book tickets to the event here, and find out more about the event via

High-profile sponsorship opportunities are also available. Contact Jennie Lane at or Charlotte Nangle at, or call them on 01992 535 647, to find out more.

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