Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is now available for everyone to buy

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is now available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC as a standalone title.

The release was expected soon enough the remastered game was shipped as a preorder bonus with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, but it’s taken nearly a year to be available for everyone else to get the ir hands on.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare holds a special place for many in the esports industry as in the UK, Call of Duty: MW was the last hurrah for the Call of Duty franchise on the PC, with popular game mod ‘Promod’ having a strong competitive scene at several events in the UK.

Unfortunately, a return to those golden days isn’t possible as Modern Warfare Remastered on the PC doesn’t have dedicated servers. Still, as far as a nostalgia kick goes, the game is high with the full campaign and all multiplayer maps, in HD with a variety of extra features from later Modern Warfare games.

For those on the consoles, there’s a chance we could see some competitive play on the title, although any buzz it could generate is already being roared over by the forthcoming Call of Duty: WW2.

Still, for those looking at a sense of where the Call of Duty series was a decade ago, this is a good way to spend a weekend.

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