Welcome to the new home for MCV, Develop and Esports Pro

The games industry is constantly evolving and our gaming sites – MCV, Develop and Esports Pro – must evolve with it. Digital distribution means that the line between developers and publishers is being steadily erased; while watching players compete is becoming a key part of the gaming experience.

Because of that we’re merging our gaming brands into one – with them all coming together under the MCV name on this fantastic-looking, fully-responsive new website.

The three sites already had considerable editorial crossover. Develop advised indies on self-publishing, MCV interviewed developers about the complexities of monetisation and discoverability, and there wouldn’t be any Esports without games to play and marketing deals to pay the prizes.

Both Develop and Esports Pro started life as spin-offs of MCV, so it makes sense that they should rejoin the core brand again. With a combined team we’ll also be able to double-down on coverage for the biggest events of the calendar from GDC to E3 to Gamescom.

This website is just one part of our response to the industry’s endless appetite for news and analysis. MCV, Develop and Esports Pro will retain their newsletters, so you can keep up-to-date with your own sectors. We’ll also be running separate Twitter accounts for the three brands; while we continue to host the best awards and conference events.

The merger follows over into print too, which means we’ll be distributing copies of MCV at this year’s GDC, rather than Develop as we have in previous years. Get in touch if you want to reach 5,000 world-class developers.

We’re incredibly excited about the year ahead and we hope to see you soon at industry events around the UK and the world. Read more about the new editorial team here.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please get in touch with a member of our senior team, listed below.

Seth Barton, Editor, MCV, sbarton@nbmedia.com

Sophia Jaques, Games Sales Manager, sjaques@nbmedia.com

Caroline Hicks, Marketing and Events Director, chicks@nbmedia.com

Mark Burton, Managing Director, mburton@nbmedia.com

About MCV Staff

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